Наш домен: 4lucky.ru | Our domain: 4lucky.ru 
Не нашли нужный способ оплаты? пишите в телеграм FourLucky


▷ Replacement is carried out in the presence of a dock and if no more than 5 minutes have passed from the time of purchase to the time of filing a complaint

▷ Replacement of the product is made within 24 hours from the date of filing a complaint

▷ If it is impossible to replace the product with a similar one , we will refund the money within 24 hours of the complaint

▷ You can file a complaint if the account does not match the description, which will cause you damage if the product is not valid

▷ The accepted product cannot be replaced or returned

▷ You must understand why you are buying and what to do with the product

▷ If the product has become invalid \ no longer meets the description due to your fault, then we will not replace \ refund it

▷ We are not responsible for your actions

▷ In case of an attempt to deceive the seller, the buyer is blocked from accessing the store

▷ Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from liability

▷ We guarantee the sale of goods in one hand

▷ There are no duplicates in our products. If there is a chance of duplicates , we always write about it in the product name

 UPDATE from 09.08.2019

▷ After purchasing an account, do not change your password. In case of a change, any guarantee is lost

▷ When purchasing any account , you only get access for authorization on the corresponding site. Or additional access, if specified in the product description

▷ We do not restore accounts if you lost access to your account due to a change of password or other data

 Form for filing complaint

▷ Write about a problem

▷ Problematic Product (What was issued when purchasing)

▷ Order number ( The one you specify when paying in the note menu )