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1. To log in to the portable version of telegram (to the telegram account in tdata format), for a desktop PC, you need to download from the official website (here) telegram, the current-latest version (the portable version).
2. We downloaded the archive with the portable version of telegram, unpacked it, we only need the installer itself telegram.exe . you can pull it out to your desktop, and then just copy it to our accounts. (A one-time action, then you will only have the installer copied to the right place and run the account).
3. After purchasing a telegram account in our store, you will receive a link to download the archive with your telegram account. After you have downloaded the archive, unzip it, open the folder to tdata and put the previously downloaded one next to this folder (not in it) telegram.exe from the portable version of telegram.
4. Next, copy the installer from the desktop telegram.exe This way