✅✅✅ TRUST Telegram (TDATA + SESSION + JSON) | Russia | 7+ days old | 2FA: 8veUf2V3q | Gender: Female | For spam and invite

In stock
135 pcs

Price for 1 pcs
2.28 $

Description Account type:

Two-factor password: 8veUf2V3q

Description of accounts:

✔️ Confirmed by SMS (+7)
✔️ Registered from mobile IP
✔️ Surname and first name
✔️ Stay (from the date of creation to purchase) from 3 days
✔️ Two-factor authentication is enabled (so that the account is not hijacked), password: 8veUf2V3q
✔️ Gender: MIX
✔️ Registered through the official Android client, have a large trust on the part of Telegram
✔️ Ideal for spam and invite

Instruction manual:
1) Download the archive from the link(s) from the text file.

2) Unzip the downloaded archive and place the file there Telegram.exe (not in the archive, you need to download it from the official website). I.e. the tdata folder and the file Telegram.exe they must be in the SAME directory
To avoid unforeseen problems, use the latest version of Telegram.

3) Launch Telegram.exe and we use the account

Terms of use:
If accounts are massively banned at the first launch, double-check everything described below:

Before starting, make sure that no other telegram process has been opened in the task manager, if it is open, then terminate all processes
It is recommended to launch accounts on the latest version of Telegram.
Log in using a clean private proxy (ideally a mobile one)
Do not use free services to change IP
Do not log into multiple accounts under the same IP


1 account = 1 proxy
First, buy a small number of accounts and test them,
Do not change the 2FA password ON ALL accounts AT ONCE, they may get banned!any people, and because of this, there may be a chance to ban the account.